Mindset and managerial solutions to unrealistic expectations and gender inequality at home and work. I interview researchers, coaches and HR experts and provide practical behavior change advice that working moms can try. For more details go to https://www.drjacquelinekerr.com/overcoming-working-mom-burnout Watch my TEDx talk here: https://youtu.be/9YY0gVnVPoQ

Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
Unpacking our addiction to work and owning our choices with Eric Zimmer
Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
Eric Zimmer has two sons. He is the host of The One You Feed podcast, he’s a behavior coach, spiritual leader and writer. Eric overcame addiction in his early years giving him a unique insight into work addiction. But interestingly when he found a new purpose in life and started working less in his day job, he found less was more. Eric talks about aligning our choices with our values and questioning the value of climbing the corporate ladder. You can find my free guides to prevent burnout at www.DrJacquelineKerr.com/free-guides.

Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Creating family and work systems that bring your energy with Jasper Schipperijn
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Jasper Schipperijn is Dutch but lives in Denmark on a farm with his son who has Type 1 diabetes and his ex wife and ex mother in law. This non traditional approach to co-parenting has enabled all the family members to share the load leaving each of them more opportunity to thrive. Jasper leads international research on healthy communities and active playgrounds and shares many examples of policies that support caregiving. Jasper describes a team energy exercise that is such a great idea for learning what your team needs to be the most productive. You can find my free guides to prevent burnout at www.DrJacquelineKerr.com/free-guides.

Wednesday Feb 15, 2023
Changing systems at home and work to prevent burnout with Jago Brown
Wednesday Feb 15, 2023
Wednesday Feb 15, 2023
Jago Brown has three kids. At his company Lead5050, he is developing an accreditation process for companies to work toward gender equality. He also is a trustee at Equality Starts at Home, which is a charity set up to look at the difficulties inequality in the home has on many people and the knock on effects to their work life. At home, he and his wife use a system to help them support each other in household and childcare tasks. Jago has a deep understanding of how to create equality and reminds us that one of the biggest benefits of equality for men is improved mental health. You can find my free guides to prevent burnout at www.DrJacquelineKerr.com/free-guides.

Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
Advocating for stronger families and healthy communities with Dereck Reynolds
Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
Dereck Reynolds has three children and works in the foster care system. He’s the founder of Hug a Dad Foundation supporting dads to play active roles in their children's lives and the community at large. Dereck talks about the importance of positive male role models for young Black men. He understands that we need individual change, family change, community change and legal change to support stronger families and healthy communities. You can find my free guides to prevent burnout at www.DrJacquelineKerr.com/free-guides.

Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Creating deep connections in burnout recovery with Jim Young
Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Jim Young is a burnout coach, author, comedian, and Dad of three. His new book Expansive Intimacy leverages the emotional intelligence we need in the workplace, allowing Dads to form deep connections and show up in more ways as a caring human as well as a competent CEO. Jim uses humor in his posts as well as his formal work with corporations, employing improv comedy as a way to elicit authentic and playful interactions in safe spaces. Jim wanted to be a nurturing Dad but could not find the time and support to do that in corporate America. His burnout journey led him to define success in a different way, by the depth of his connections. You can find my free guides to prevent burnout at www.DrJacquelineKerr.com/free-guides.

Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
Preventing burnout through stories and community with Dan Flanagan
Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
Dan Flanagan is a branding expert and community organizer for Dads, running Dad La Soul. He shares his story of burnout and how his career change allowed him to become a more involved Dad and provide a supportive structure for other Dads. He challenges the stereotypes of Dads as incompetent caregivers. And shares how building a global community organization just starts by starting. Dad La Soul exists to orchestrate a revolution in the way that the stories and struggles of the 6 million dads in the UK are seen, heard, and supported. You can find my free guides to prevent burnout at www.DrJacquelineKerr.com/free-guides.

Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Communicating your needs to prevent burnout with Aaron Hipp
Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Aaron Hipp has 3 adopted children and shares parenting as a team since both parents work full time. He is learning to set better boundaries around work, while also trying to recognize that his personality makes him enthusiastic about so many opportunities. He has learned from his wife to better communicate his needs but he wishes that Dads could be accepted by other Moms as equally capable helpers in their kids’ lives when they do step up. He appreciates that the social norm in his workplace is supportive of parents, but he is aware that without policies codifying that support, a new leader could come in and destroy that culture. You can find my free guides to prevent burnout at www.DrJacquelineKerr.com/free-guides.

Wednesday Jan 11, 2023
Wednesday Jan 11, 2023
Eric Arthrell helped research and write the report The Design of Everyday Men, A New Lens for Gender Equality Progress when he was at Deloitte. This report highlights that the ‘always on always available’ culture leads to greater gender inequality and burnout. Eric now works from home and is the main caregiver for his two children. He talks about how Dads have to educate themselves to become more active participants in parenting and how supporting moms to take breaks from parenting is key. You can find my free guides to prevent burnout at www.DrJacquelineKerr.com/free-guides.

Wednesday Dec 21, 2022
Season 3 Wrap up with Dr Jacqueline Kerr
Wednesday Dec 21, 2022
Wednesday Dec 21, 2022
This week I am doing a quick wrap up to Season 3. We’re heading into 60 episodes and 20 thousand downloads. So thanks for listening and supporting this podcast. I hope you learn as much as I do from it!

Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Being on the planning committee to prevent burnout with Ruchika Tulshyan
Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Ruchika Tulshyan is the author of Inclusion on Purpose and The Diversity Advantage. She is also the founder of Candour, a company that supports inclusion strategies in the workplace. Ruchika describes her personal journey that led to her focus on inclusion and how the biggest barrier is not recognizing your own role in changing inclusion. In particular, how our stories of working hard get in the way of seeing our privilege. Ruchika provides several helpful frameworks to embrace the discomfort of addressing inclusion and making a difference. You can find your free guides to burnout at www.DrJacquelineKerr.com/free-guides